Saturday, March 28, 2009

Location, location, location

Why do they do this? What were they thinking? They put the jeans label right where it gets caught in the zipper.

Oh, sure, you can hold the label out of the way when you zip, and then there's no problem. But that doesn't always happen when you're in a hurry.

Yes, you could cut out the label, but that's not a viable option for me. Unfortunately, I have different sizes of jeans in my closet - depending on the month, day, or sometimes hour - and need to see those labels.

Why can't they just put them in the back of the waistband like they used to?

Being Green

I've mentioned some things we try to do here to be more "green," easier on the environment, gentler to the earth.

I used to do this many years ago - but haven't lately - using my hand as note paper. Maybe she's saving a tree? I just hope the ink is nontoxic.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Hacked off

The trees have been hacked off, and so am I. I hate it when people go crazy with chain saws and chippers cutting down trees. And why? Gosh, I don't know, it must be some kind of "improvement." Yeah, right. Argh!! Doesn't this look pretty?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday the 12th

Tomorrow is Friday the 13th (again - we have a bunch of them this year it seems). Wayne always says that Thursday the 12th is the day you really have to watch out for. It can sneak up on you.

I have to say though, my day today was rather quiet. Zumba tonight with my favorite teacher, but she really wears me out. I suppose that is her job though, isn't it? At least I had fun getting worn out.

My friend's mother died yesterday afternoon. It is a blessing of sorts, but still....bummer.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Friendly talk

Over the years, I've gathered up a handful of close friends. Unfortunately, I don't get to connect with them as often as I'd like. Just how did our lives all get so busy, anyway? Today I was lucky enough to communicate with two of my pals.

I got to talk on the phone to my dear friend who lives in Michigan. We managed to get pretty much caught up on everything and ended up deciding we are all in a good place right now. What a nice feeling.

I also got to communicate with my best friend from high school. Unfortunately, that exchange was not about being in a good place. Her mother is terminally ill, and it appears the end is near. Lots of love and thoughts going out to her.

In a perfect world, I would be able to get with all my friends every day. Since we are far from perfect, I guess I'll take what I can get when I can get it and enjoy every minute.

Monday, March 9, 2009

New Direction

I think I've been going out this blog thing the wrong way. Probably making it more difficult and complicated than it needs to be (I do have a tendency to do that). For some reason, I always feel like I need to have a "theme." If a theme isn't obvious and I don't have time to think one up, then I skip blogging. blog doesn't get updated very often. From now on, I think I'll just tell a little about the day here. Sometimes with pictures and sometimes not. The added benefit...this will help me remember what has gone on in my day. Seems that any more time and days just fly by. I could certainly stand to be a little more aware of how I've spent my time.

Today was beautiful and spring-like. The temps have been in the 70s though they say it won't last. The high later this week will supposedly only be in the 30s. Arg. I am so ready for spring! Oh least we all got out to enjoy the warmth while we could. Wayne rode his bike to work and Amy, Sienna, and I went for an afternoon walk. It's great to have the sunshine later in the day now, but I really hate the adjustment process after the time change. You'd think after living through time changes all my life, I would be used to it by now. But still takes me forever to get straightened out. But, maybe it will take Sienna a little while too, and she won't get us up quite so early in the morning. :-)