Sunday, March 28, 2010

Home show sticks

Yesterday, we went to the local home improvement show. On our way in, we made guesses as to what would be the "special" gadget or gizmo at this year's show. Would there be Sham-Wows available? Would we see the waterless cookware? What would be the hit of this show?

We would soon find out - it was the "sticks". One of the first displays we passed was giving out longer-than-a-yard sticks. We each took one.

Now, I would have thought that the vendor would take advantage of this long stick and put a catchy saying on it. You know, like "we go the extra distance for you" or "we really measure
up", something like that... but there was nothing there more than their name and phone number. Missed marketing opportunity, I'd say.

The funniest thing about these sticks was the number of comments and questions they drew. I can't tell you how many people wanted to know where we got those "sticks". "Wow, that's a long stick you got there, must be 3 1/2 feet long." (They were four feet long.) "I'm just holding my friend's stick; can you tell me where I can get my own?" "Hey, I like your ruler, where'd you get it?" It was unreal...the whole time we walked through the show, people asked about our sticks. And no....we weren't the only people with the sticks. Go figure.

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